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As people we are ever expanding our spiritual learning, on our path to fulfillment.
We all have sacred wisdom and truth within us ready to be discovered. There is always more to learn and experience within ourselves and our surroundings.
Walking our own Path on this spiritual journey has helped us to heal our deepest pains and traumas. It has has allowed us to access our full potential on all levels of our being. For the last 30 years we have guided many individuals and groups into finding this truth, joy and fulfillment for themselves.
You will always find the right time to start your journey.When you are ready we are here to support, guide and help you on your path.
Is now the time for you to uncover your true self and potentials, and to share them with the world?
Then join us on this path of discovery. We are here to welcome you every step of the way.
Joyful adventures await!
About us…
We met each other in a meditation group where we were both regular attendees. Since then we have walked the path of spiritual training in the Agni tradition together.
We learned many new things that changed the way we lived our lives. Through this a deep friendship and life companionship developed. We lived close to each other until we moved to our respective power places in England and the USA. We are godparents of each other’s children and have shared our lives in a constant connection. Despite the external distance, we have maintained that bond.
During a visit to Deborah’s Center in England we were inspired to create a workshop about the female quality and Shakti power called Shakti Lotus Bliss. Originally it was only about and for women. As we created it we realized there was more we wanted to teach and share about an individual’s spiritual power. This later led us to creating a Path of Self-empowerment.
Shortly after the start the pandemic came and we had to change all plans to online and opened the program up to everyone. We had to find a new name for the now extended program, and “Back to the Roots, the core of the original feminine power of creation,” was born.
This is a space of healing, loving, and finding your own inner essence of truth. From this all other workshops, seminars, and trainings emerged—always in a mutual free flow of creation. We have constantly integrated new ideas and possibilities into all of our programs. The magic of the Lotus Druids and the Lotus Shamans was the manifestation of this flow.
We constantly tune in to the current themes of life, giving support to them and opening doors to new ways of dealing with the things that come from it. This spiritual flow is so light and wonderfully nourishing for all who may participate in it. It is always carried by this feminine power of creation but never limited to only women.The special thing about this feminine way of creation is that it gives space for everything and everyone. Healing, connection, and support exist in this loving space created by us, where everything and everyone is allowed to just be. We nourish what belongs to our roots, always according to our own path.
People come into their own flow and into the freedom to live truly as themselves. The true path of self-empowerment is laid out for you.


4.000 Pfund, 5 days
11.000 Pfund, 14 days

200 Pfund

1.000 Pfund

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200 Pfund
200 Pfund
Picture Source: jae-bano-Xbf_4e7YDII-unsplash

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200 Pfund
200 Pfund